VAM WaterTech in project FOODWATERH2020
VAM WaterTech is pleased to announce that they have received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program (grant agreement No 889292) involving the FOODWATERH2020 project.
VAM WaterTech is pleased to announce that they have received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program (grant agreement No 889292) involving the FOODWATERH2020 project.
After harvesting, viruses, fungi and pesticides need to be rinsed from flower bulbs. However, several…
The carrot sector faces a wide range of diseases that affect produce, often with serious consequences. The fungus Alternaria Dauci, for example, can wipe out 80% of a harvest. The Pythium fungus can even…
VAM WaterTech is delighted to be included on the shortlist for the first National Potato Industry Awards (NPIA). Our water treatment line…