For over 3 years now, Greydanus uses a VAM water purification system for the cleaning of washing water of their potato washing system. The system has a capacity of about 70-80 m3 / hour for the continuous water purification of their 2 washing installations
Klaas Greydanus on clean water facilities for potatoes:
We have made a big step forward with VAM water purification: in quality, hygiene and savings in maintenance costs. All potatoes now receive clean water constantly, thus the washing is cleaner, and no contaminated (germs!) sludge turns back to the washers, and therefore not on the potatoes. In short: it is hygienic and clean.
We were checked by the Water Board recently. They took samples of the washing water. The inspector said that comparable companies were in a scale of 6-8 in terms of pollution, but that we belonged to scale 1, due to our clean water. That of course is great for our product, customers and consumers!
Less maintenance costs
Moreover, we have noticed a major reduction in equipment maintenance due to the lack of sludge, which used to be circulated constantly. Because of the cleaner end product, the service time of the drying rolls has become much longer
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