Washing water treatment: for whom and which products?
One of VAM WaterTech’s key commitments is to saving water in the potato, vegetable and fruit sector. After all, water is the main process tool in this area. Often, clean drinking water is used in the various processes, such as washing the produce. Everyone in the chain, from fruit and vegetable processing companies to consumers, have an interest in delivering healthier and safer produce, and saving water. After all, clean water is becoming increasingly scarce. Our water purification solutions make a contribution to the entire vegetable and fruit value chain and can be applied to any type of crop. At VAM WaterTech we deliver a variety of solutions, tailored to different crops and client requirements. In this article, you can read more about the people and products to whom water treatment is important.
Fruit and vegetable producers can cut costs by consuming less water and through continuously reusing clean, disinfected washing water. This also helps increase the value and safety of your fruit and vegetable produce. In addition to saving on water consumption, clean washing water reduces downtime as well as wear and wear and tear during production. This, in turn, increases yield and production efficiency
Consumers are also placing greater value on produce being safe, healthy and fairly priced. Using clean water in the production process prevents cross-contamination and also reduces residue from crop protection agents and bacteria, among other things, on your fruit and vegetables. Our water solutions are not only important to the entire fruit and vegetable value chain, but also important to our society, health and environment.
VAM WaterTech has been active in the potato sector for more than 25 years, closing the washing water cycle for packaging and processing firms. At packaging companies, the focus is on washing as well as packaging product as cleanly and hygienically as possible. At the processors, the emphasis is on guaranteeing continuity of the washing process and delivering the required water quality. This approach is more or less the same in the carrot and vegetable sector. In the fruit sector, it is important to provide transport water that is as clean as possible and ensure optimum quality of the sorted fruit. Hygiene, clean water without pesticide, fungi, bacteria and virus residues and continuous access to purified water are particularly important in this sector.
VAM WaterTech has also been providing solutions for the flower bulb sector for some years. We offer practical solutions for removing sand and clay from the water as well as advanced solutions for removing pesticide, fungi, bacteria and virus residues from water.
A major advantage is the fact that we can build our systems in a modular way, from initial filtration to completely closing the water cycle. From meeting desired standards to 100% water purification, from small to large companies and at any desired capacity. We know the different wishes in the market and have solutions for potatoes, carrots, vegetables, (hard) fruit and flower bulbs, such as lilies and tulips
View our references to see which companies are already using our services. Want to find out more about what we can do for your organization? Please contact Hans Blaak.
Hans Blaak
phone: +31 (0) 113 – 65 58 80
email: hb@vam-watertech.com
or use our contact form.